7019-SWTM-001 Tritium Measurement in Soft Waste 软废料测氚仪

Tritium laboratories accumulate large quantities of Low Level Waste from items such as paper, Kim-wipes, plastics, cloths, gloves which are used in daily activities of operators and maintenance personnel. The personnel will have worked in potentially active areas and so it is assumed that their waste is contaminated with tritium even though it may not be. During the course of a year considerable waste in this category may have accumulated, some of which could be of a low enough level that it could be discharged into regular land fill, but because its activity level is not positively established it must be stored indefinitely in a low level waste facility with the costs and potential public objection that entails. Tyne has designed equipment to assess the activity of each bag of potentially tritiated waste. 氚实验室从纸张、金湿巾、塑料、布料、手套等物品中积累大量的低级废料, 用于操作员和维修人员的日常活动。这些人员将在潜在的活跃地区工作, 因此假定他们的废物被氚污染, 即使它可能不是。在一年的时间里, 这类废物可能已经积累了相当大的浪费, 其中一些可以是足够低的水平, 可以排放到正常的土地填土中, 但由于其活动水平没有得到积极的确定, 所以必须储存无限期地在低级别的废物处理设施与成本和潜在的公众反对, 需要。Tyne已经设计了设备来评估每袋潜在氚废物的活动。

The equipment is based on measuring tritium outgassing rate by capturing it in a bubbler subsequently monitored in a scintillation counter. In the case of waste activity being lower than approved levels for disposal, the bag can be sent to regular landfill. This may represent significant saving. The equipment can also be used to characterize tritium contaminated waste such that personnel will become aware of which kind of waste is potentially more active and should be bagged together. This will result in increased inactive waste accumulation, and reduced amounts sent into long term storage.该设备的基础是测量氚出气率, 捕获它在随后在闪烁计数器监测的涌泉。如废物活动低于批准的水平处理, 该袋可送往定期堆填区。这可能意味着显著的节省。这些设备也可以用来描述氚污染的废物, 这样, 人员就会意识到哪种废物可能更活跃, 应该一起打包。这将导致增加不活跃的废物积累, 并减少被送到长期储存的数量。


减少长期浪费, 削减开支


Number of Bubblers 2 or more (including one reference bubbler)
Drum Size 460 mm dia x 590 mm deep
Unit dimensions Height 1762 mm high Width 1200 mm wide Depth 735 mm deep Weight 458 Kg (crated for shipment)
Number of waste bags accommodated 1 or more (paper or plastic Large)
AC Power 280 W 240V/110V
DC Power 135 W/ 24 V
Flow through each bag 5 l/min
Bubbler size 1 liter
Controls Timer controlled
Safety Lights Red, White, Green, Yellow, sequenced to show operating phase
Records Permanent records of scintillation count of bubblers may be kept.
Calibration Mass Flow Controllers are all calibrated in air.

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