PERF10 | Atomic frequency standard 10 MHz

Atomic frequency standard 10 MHz | PERF10 Stanford Research Systems
PERF10 Rubidium Audio Clock is a high-quality tool with an audio efficient and testing audiophiles functionality with a frequency reference of unique stability and accuracy. This product also has the ability to produce an atomic strength and perfection which provides an ultra-low phase noise. It has eight 10 MHz, 75 Omega; outputs and 10 year aging less than 5 ppb.perf10时是一个有效测响的功与独特的稳定性和精度的参率的优工具。本产品具有产生原子力和完善提供了一种低相位噪声的力。它有八个10兆75Ω出和10年的化小于5 ppb。

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