Controller 1421999

Controller 1421999 控制器1421999
Controller 1421999 控制器1421999

The SEC 3500 HMI is an operator interface dedicated to communicating to the SEC 3100 gas detectors, SEC 4855 Relay Controllers, SEC DAIM units. The SEC 3500 has output capabilities to the plant control system. The SEC 3500 uses an industry standard RS485 communication protocol to interrogate bidirectional to the entire device network.
SEC 3500人机界面操作界面致力于沟通的4855秒3100秒气体探测器、继电器控制器,SEC索赔单位。美国证券交易委员会3500拥有的工厂控制系统的输出能力。SEC 3500使用工业标准的RS485通信协议进行双向对整个设备网络。
Standard display screens are set up for intuitive interaction for the operator and network devices. The primary screens are Main Zone Summary, Alarm Summary, Bus Summary. Individual device screens can be viewed and programmed from the SEC 3500 HMI. There is password protected security allowing different levels of operators to access screens that allow modifications to the hazardous gas detection system.
标准显示屏幕是建立在操作人员和网络设备的直观的交互。主屏幕是主区域汇总、报警汇总、总线汇总。个人设备的屏幕可以查看和SEC 3500人机界面编程。有密码保护的安全允许不同级别的运营商访问屏幕,允许修改的危险气体检测系统。
The SEC 3500 Relay Controller is used with the SEC 3500 Operator Interface via the Modbus RS-485 network. There are 8 or 16 addressable modules available. Alarm relays can be used to actuate alarm and devices control of the gas detection equipment.
SEC 3500继电器控制器用于与SEC 3500操作界面,通过MODBUS RS-485网络。有8个或16个可寻址模块可用。报警继电器可以用来驱动报警装置的气体检测设备的控制。
Alarm Relays
8 or 16 Addressable modules available

Controller 1421999 控制器1421999

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