Water-jet cutting software IGEMS

Water-jet cutting software IGEMS 水射流切割软件igems
Water-jet cutting software IGEMS 水射流切割软件igems

for water-jet cutting
The execution of cutting orders with superior speed and efficiency largely depends on good preparation. Resato introduces the IGEMS CAD / CAM Cutting Software that has been specifically developed for water jet cutting. The software package is easily installed in the PC and is provided with a software to communicate the cutting jobs to and from the CNC control. The PC is connected via the network with the CNC control.??
高速和高效切割订单的执行在很大程度上取决于良好的准备工作。Resato介绍igems CAD/CAM切割软件已被专门开发用于水射流切割。该软件包很容易安装在个人电脑,并提供一个软件,以沟通的切割工作,并从数控。个人电脑通过网络与数控系统连接在一起。?
Resato IGEMS software offers a quick and user-friendly installation, operation including drawing facilities. It offers a quick and logical working method, i.e. import of cutting jobs, entry of material and thickness data, fast and efficient manual nesting, automatic generation of the CNC program (press one button), transmitting the CNC program to the cutting installation, importing DXF, DWG and IGES files. The software also determines the “Machinability” for a specific material type through one single test cut.
Resato igems软件提供了一个快速和方便用户的安装,操作包括绘图设备。它提供了一个快速的和逻辑的工作方法,即进口的切割工作,材料和厚度数据录入、快速高效的手动排料,对数控程序的自动生成(按一个按钮),将数控程序的加工安装,导入DXF,DWG、IGES文件。该软件还通过一个单一的测试来确定一个特定的材料类型的“可加工性”。

Water-jet cutting software IGEMS 水射流切割软件igems

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