40 series | Label applicator max. 1 200 "/min

The Series 40 high speed label applicator is ID Technology’s Performance line of stepper motor labeling heads. The Series 40 high speed label applicator includes models to accommodate 5″ and 7″ web widths, 12″ and 16″ diameter unwind rolls and user adjustable dispense speeds up to 1200″ per minute..40系列标机是步电机标头ID技术的性曲线。40系列标签敷器包括模型容纳5“和7”的网宽度12“和16”直径绕和用户可免度1200每分。There is a standard Series 40 model high speed label applicator designed to fit almost any labeling application. Field conversion kits are available to convert any Series 40 model into any other Series 40 model. An experienced technician can perform these conversions, in the field, in minutes. Custom configurations are available from the factory, to fit unusual applications. All models of the high speed label applicators are available in either right hand or left hand configurations..有一个标准的40系列新型标机合几乎任何标的应用。场换套件可将任何40系列模型为其他系列40模型。一个有经的技术人员可以执些换在现场在几分内。定义置可从工厂以应特殊的应用。所有型号的标签喷头在左右手可以置的。The Series 40 high speed label applicator utilizes a 5 Phase Stepper Motor and on-board mounted stepper motor controller to provide maximum torque and precise speed control in a compact economical package.40系列标机用了5相步电机和机步电动机控制器在一个紧凑的经济的方案够提供最大的扭矩和精确的度控制。

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