Epoxy Adhesive — 10-3028

Epoxy Adhesive -- 10-3028 Epoxies Etc...

环氧树等等… 已制定的粘剂粘接如玻璃属塑料和木材基材广泛。 我们了些材料以应多种生产工包括快置5分室温固化粘合剂和无的工作时的一分粘合剂。

Epoxies, Etc… has formulated its adhesives to bond a wide range of substrates such as glass, metal, plastic, and wood. We have also designed these materials to accommodate a large variety of production processes including, fast setting 5 minute room temperature cure adhesives and unlimited working time one part adhesives.


Dielectric Strength 1.77E7
Dielectric Constant 3.80
Form Adhesives; GapFilling
Material Thermoset or RTV; Two Component or Catalyst Cured; Epoxy
Features Electronics / Semiconductors

环氧粘剂-10-3028,环氧树等..,电气绝缘材料和绝缘材料,Epoxy Adhesive , 10-3028, Epoxies Etc…, Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Materials

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