Auto-Titration & KF Analysis 自动滴定和 KF 分析

The 12 series of Automated Titration performs the fundamental task of titration where the concentration of a chemical substance is determined by reacting it with a measured amount of another chemical. The Auto Titrator performs this analysis using a motor driven dispenser, stirred reaction vessel and electrodes which sense the completion of the reaction by measuring the potential difference between two electrodes.


The 12 series of Automatic Titration systems offers the following modes of analysis:12系列自动滴定系统提供以下分析模式:

INCREMENTAL – This method operates with a user selectable fixed dose and fixed intervals until the end point is detected or volume limit is reached.增量-该方法使用用户可选择的固定剂量和固定间隔,直到检测到终点或达到体积极限为止。

EQUILIBRIUM – This is the Universal and Dynamic Titration. In this titration the dose and time automatically are tuned to the titration trend with evaluation of the end point. 平衡——这是一种通用的动态滴定法。在这个滴定中,剂量和时间自动地随着滴定终点的评价而调谐到滴定趋势。

pH CUT OFF/STAT – in pH cut off mode the end point is determined in a pre-selectable pH window. In pH-STAT mode the pH value is maintained until the pre-selected time interval is reached. PH截止/ STAT -在pH截止模式下,终点可在预先选择的pH窗口中确定。在pH-STAT模式下,保持pH值直到达到预先选定的时间间隔


PrincipleVolume determination by equivilent point, end point or pH STAT
ControlMicroprocessor based
mV Range=/- 3200mV
Accuracy+/- 0.1mV (+/- 0.0016pH)
Amplifier Input Impedance>1012 Ohms
Burette Resolution1/5000 for 5ml, 1/10000 for 10ml, 1/5000 for 25ml
Filing Time<20 Seconds
KeyboardAlphanumeric splash waterproof polyester soft keys.
Titration HeadManual Stand with swivelling arm

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